Homeopathy as support to face COVID-19 in Primary Health Care

Luis Enrique Jimenez Franco, Mariela del Carmen Morales Okata

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Homeopathy is a therapeutic system through which substances are administered, whether organic, mineral or plant, and that in a healthy subject will produce the same symptoms as the disease to be treated. The objective of this review was to assess the use of Homeopathy in Primary Health Care. A total of 28 bibliographic sources were consulted from the Scielo Cuba, Regional and PubMed databases. Homeopathy is based on 3 fundamental principles, used in the preparation of high demand drugs in Primary Health Care and in emergency health situations. It constitutes an inexpensive and easily accessible support. It does not produce adverse effects and its use is applicable to all ages. It can be considered as a new alternative to face COVID-19.

Palabras clave

homeopathy; primary health care; COVID-19

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